Finding Wisdom

Saturday, December 7, 2013

Time (free writing)

WOW! How times flies. Where ever is the time going? It seems like there is always something to do. It seemed like yesterday that I started this page. Life happened and I took a break from writing. I guess their was no time. It has been a very challenging and busy time. I guess, we have to make time with our busy schedules to write. I think writing is like Therapy in a way. When you write you get to get things out that you have inside. The best part is you get to share it with others like yourself, who may or may not identify with you. Time the clock keeps ticking away we are almost into the New Year. 

Getting ready for 2014. Wondering will I have time to do all this writing. I sure hope so! Looking forward to a wonderful year ahead. Time Time Time sometimes wish time would just stand still for a moment so I could just breathe enjoy the moment just a little more. What to do? Time is something that keeps moving whether we like it or not. The clock keeps ticking. That is why we must realize that life is short and make the best of the time we have now. No one is promised tomorrow. Take the time to think about that. Enjoy the moments. That is all we have! Enjoy the time we have now. Tommorow is not promomised and yesterday has passed. 

Blog Archive

"A moment to still our minds, stop what we're doing to appreciate the silence and perhaps collectively breathe"

Something like that. What do you think?

Would you participate if the whole world would would pray at the same time on the same day for a minute 60 seconds of your day for world peace?

Would you be able and willing to pray at the same time with the whole world?

Imagine what positive energy it would bring to this world today? Which needs positive energy.

Well, please let me know what you think about this concept. I am working on talking to other people about this and coming up with a date to do this. Would love your participation and thoughts on this matter.



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