Finding Wisdom

Friday, November 21, 2008

This Is Our True Test!

It is cold outside. To early to be this cold in nyc. Time is just flying by. Things are going so fast. These are some very trying times. In these times we must not lose our faith. We must not lose our spirit of things getting better even though they seem so gloom. Life tests us, God tests us many times these times or a real test from God. We must not lose sight of the fact that God exists. He will guide us through these times. We must not lose faith. We will see a lot of miracles in these times. We will also see a lot of pain at the same time. That is the test to stay strong and and do good things always not letting these times change you. This is our true test, now more than ever we must do what is right! Stay strong in these hard times.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Quotes of Inspiration

A man's character may be learned from the adjectives which he habitually uses in conversation.
-- Mark Twain

Aerodynamically the bumblebee shouldn't be able to fly, but the bumblebee doesn't know that so it goes on flying anyway.
-- Mary Kay Ash

All misfortune is but a stepping stone to fortune.
-- Henry David Thoreau

Anyone can sympathize with the sufferings of a friend, but it requires a very fine nature to sympathize with a friend's success.
-- Oscar Wilde

As long as you keep a person down, some part of you has to be down there to hold him down, so it means you cannot soar as you otherwise might.
-- Marian Anderson

Beauty, truth, friendship, love, creation – these are the great values of life. We can't prove them, or explain them, yet they are the most stable things in our lives.
-- Jesse Herman Holmes

Character may be manifested in the great moments, but it is made in the small ones.
-- Phillips Brooks

Don’t limit yourself. Many people limit themselves to what they think they can do. You can go as far as your mind lets you. What you believe, remember, you can achieve.
-- Mary Kay Ash

Dreams are renewable. No matter what our age or condition, there are still untapped possibilities within us and new beauty waiting to be born.
-- Dr. Dale Turner

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

"Sharing Some Favorite Quotes'

" I'd rather be a failure at something I enjoy
than be a success at something I hate."
-----George Burns

"Recall it as often as you wish, a happy memory never wears out."
-----Libbie Fudim

"It is easy to be brave from a safe distance."

"One good turn usually gets the whole blanket."
-----E. Joseph Cossman

"Action is the foundational key to success."
------Pablo Picasso
"In matters of principle, stand like a rock,
in matters of taste, swim with the current."
------Thomas Jefferson

"It is better to deserve honors and not have them
than to have them and not deserve them."
------Mark Twain

"It is not doing the thing we like to do,
but liking the thing we have to do,
that makes life blessed."

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Quotes of Friendship

There is no distance too far between friends, for friendship gives wings to the heart.

Kathy Kay Benudiz

Friendships multiply joys and divide griefs.

H. G. Bohn

There is no distance too far between friends, for friendship gives wings to the heart.

Kathy Kay Benudiz

It's what each of us sows, and how, that gives to us character and prestige. Seeds of kindness, goodwill, and human understanding, planted in fertile soil, spring up into deathless friendships, big deeds of worth, and a memory that will not soon fade. . . .

George Matthew Adams

I keep my friends as misers do their treasure, because, of all the things granted us by wisdom, none is greater or better than friendship.

Pietro Aretino (1492–1556) Italian poet

A tree is known by its fruit; a man by his deeds. A good deed is never lost; he who sows courtesy reaps friendship, and he who plants kindness gathers love.

Saint Basil the Great

Blog Archive

"A moment to still our minds, stop what we're doing to appreciate the silence and perhaps collectively breathe"

Something like that. What do you think?

Would you participate if the whole world would would pray at the same time on the same day for a minute 60 seconds of your day for world peace?

Would you be able and willing to pray at the same time with the whole world?

Imagine what positive energy it would bring to this world today? Which needs positive energy.

Well, please let me know what you think about this concept. I am working on talking to other people about this and coming up with a date to do this. Would love your participation and thoughts on this matter.



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