Finding Wisdom

Friday, November 21, 2008

This Is Our True Test!

It is cold outside. To early to be this cold in nyc. Time is just flying by. Things are going so fast. These are some very trying times. In these times we must not lose our faith. We must not lose our spirit of things getting better even though they seem so gloom. Life tests us, God tests us many times these times or a real test from God. We must not lose sight of the fact that God exists. He will guide us through these times. We must not lose faith. We will see a lot of miracles in these times. We will also see a lot of pain at the same time. That is the test to stay strong and and do good things always not letting these times change you. This is our true test, now more than ever we must do what is right! Stay strong in these hard times.

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"A moment to still our minds, stop what we're doing to appreciate the silence and perhaps collectively breathe"

Something like that. What do you think?

Would you participate if the whole world would would pray at the same time on the same day for a minute 60 seconds of your day for world peace?

Would you be able and willing to pray at the same time with the whole world?

Imagine what positive energy it would bring to this world today? Which needs positive energy.

Well, please let me know what you think about this concept. I am working on talking to other people about this and coming up with a date to do this. Would love your participation and thoughts on this matter.



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