Finding Wisdom

Thursday, August 7, 2008

The Power of Prayer

Dear Mantra,

Thank you for inviting me to be a part of your blog and for the opportunity to pray with others for peace. It has been said that peace is not merely the absence of war but the presence of justice. Ideally, individuals should have the right to determine their own destiny so long as they do not harm others in the process. People should feel free to pray to the God (or Goddess) of their choice, and to express themselves freely without reprisals.

There are many countries in the world that enjoy peace within its borders but the citizens within those borders suffer under the yoke of tyranny and oppression. In those countries religious freedom is not tolerated and a free press is non-existent.

I don't know if there is an inner yearning whereby a soul desires to be held captive; I believe that the souls of men and women are constantly yearning to be free. So I will join you and others in praying for justice, for equality, for harmony, for the poor and sick and all those souls who have lost their way, for all world leaders that they may possess the wisdom to not destroy each other or the planet with weapons of mass destruction. I pray for all religious leaders that they learn that there is only one God, but many are the roads that lead to Him (or Her). I also pray that they realize that, the God they perceive dwelling within their soul is the same God that pulsates in the breasts of others.

Amen, So Mote it Be


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"A moment to still our minds, stop what we're doing to appreciate the silence and perhaps collectively breathe"

Something like that. What do you think?

Would you participate if the whole world would would pray at the same time on the same day for a minute 60 seconds of your day for world peace?

Would you be able and willing to pray at the same time with the whole world?

Imagine what positive energy it would bring to this world today? Which needs positive energy.

Well, please let me know what you think about this concept. I am working on talking to other people about this and coming up with a date to do this. Would love your participation and thoughts on this matter.



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