"Finding Wisdom"
"Finding Wisdom is learning from our experiences."
Finding Wisdom is finding that extra something inside of ourself that we have to work for.
The spiritual growth. Understanding God. Realizing that this world is more than just what we see. Finding Wisdom is very profound. "We all seek knowledge but where do we go to get it from?" "Can we find wisdom?" I believe with great effort, discipline and deep meditation. Wisdom will be revealed to us.
The definition for Finding is find·ing Something that has been found. A conclusion reached after examination or investigation: the finding of a grand jury; a coroner's findings. A statement or document containing an authoritative decision or conclusion: a presidential finding that authorized the covert operation. The definition for Wisdom is knowledge, understanding,
experience, decretion, and intuitive understanding, along with a capacity to apply these qualities well towards finding solutions to problems. It is the judicious and purposeful application of knowledge that is valued in society. To some extent the terms wisdom and intelligence have similar and overlapping meanings. The status of wisdom or prudence as a virtue is recognized in cultural, philosophical and religious sources. We can conclude that finding wisdom is finding something that perhaps was once lost and now found. Finding information that concludes to wisdom.
Wisdom is knowledge that unusual way of understanding and seeing what most people don't see. Seeing things outside the box. That is the only way I can explain it. Finding Wisdom is a task that I believe is found through your inner self. It is something that can be found in many non traditional ways. I would like to find wisdom in may ways. I would like to research things and find insight from my findings. I would like to share my findings with everyone when found.
For me Finding Wisdom is the key to living a better life. Finding the widsom to get throught living in this world. Having strength to have blind faith in the bad times. Finding Wisdom is also taking out the equation of emotion. Take out emotion from our thoughts and we usually see more clearer. Emotions clogs our mind and makes it difficult to tap into Wisdom!
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