Finding Wisdom

Friday, October 10, 2008

What Is The Answer To Saving Money In This Economy

Saving Money in this economy is getting harder and harder. You look at the news and everything you see and hear sounds awful. Well, they say that we will get through this hard time. We will get through these hard times, the key word is how. They say to live with less. When you think about this situation. Do you think that they will live with less?

The first thing to do when you need to change your lifestyle. Think of things as if you only have a certain amount of money. Only spend what you need from that money. If you have extra put that money in an envelope and forget about it. The money that you do have try to keep an account of every penny spent. It will not be an easy task but you can do it. If you have extra from that amount you spend on your needs put that money in another envelope called Do Not Touch For Emergency Purposes Only! Don't worry if the amount is $2.00 to start with. You just have to start with what ever you have. The key is to start with something.

If you have bottles and cans. Take those bottles and cans to the supermarket get your money for them. You will be surprised at how much that will help you. Even if it comes up to $2.00 you could put that money towards gas or put it in another envelope labeled wants. In this envelope you will put money for something that you want. The money from the bottles and cans, when you save enough. Can get you perhaps a washing machine over time. You never know. You will be surprised at how that helps out in these times.

This is what I started to do recently to save on electricity. I started to loosen the bulbs from the lights we dont need all on at the same time. So I only leave what I need on and I loosen the rest. If company comes I put them on. Why waste electricity when no one is around. It really helps! I have also recently started to unplug equipement such as computer, tv, and appliances that I am not using at the time. When I have to use something. I plug it back in. I will see my bill and let you know if I have saved.

Food! Oh my goodness "Food" it is such a hard thing for me to save. Buying groceries, no matter what I do. I seem to spend more than I anticipated on spending. Well, I am working on the food issue. If you have any suggestions please feel free to comment.

Feel free to share your thoughts and point of views on this blog! I really would like to hear from everyone. I hope that you enjoyed the tips for saving money in this economy and when I find some other ways of saving money. I will share them with you. Thanks for reading this blog.

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"A moment to still our minds, stop what we're doing to appreciate the silence and perhaps collectively breathe"

Something like that. What do you think?

Would you participate if the whole world would would pray at the same time on the same day for a minute 60 seconds of your day for world peace?

Would you be able and willing to pray at the same time with the whole world?

Imagine what positive energy it would bring to this world today? Which needs positive energy.

Well, please let me know what you think about this concept. I am working on talking to other people about this and coming up with a date to do this. Would love your participation and thoughts on this matter.



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